Nicotine Prescriptions

Get Nicotine & Vaping Prescriptions From Authorised Australian Doctors

How to obtain a nicotine prescription with Stop RX Online in 3 Easy Steps.

Get Your Prescription

Fill out the easy form to secure your 12-month prescription at only $40AUD.

Sign In

Once your prescription is ready, Sign In to view and purchase affordable nicotine cessation products.

Begin Your Smoke-Free Journey

Receive your products directly at your doorstep, dispatched by a certified Australian pharmacist.

At StopRX, we understand the financial burden that smoking can often impose. That’s why we’ve introduced a nominal fee of $40AUD for a 12-month prescription plan, a price that allows you to keep the overall costs of nicotine replacement therapies as affordable as possible. While there might be an upfront prescription charge, this approach allows us to offer nicotine replacement products themselves at significantly lower prices compared to other providers. This means that when you choose Stop RX Online, the total cost of your journey towards a smoke-free life is not only more manageable but also more cost-effective in the long run. Our commitment is to provide you with an accessible path to quitting smoking, ensuring that financial constraints don’t stand in the way of your health and wellness goals.

Why Choose Us

  • Customised Quitting Strategies: At StopRX, we deliver specialised 12-month prescription plans, meticulously crafted following a thorough evaluation by our healthcare experts, to provide a quitting strategy that’s specifically suited to your needs.
  • Dedicated Health Guidance: Our platform grants you immediate access to specialists in smoking cessation, accompanied by continuous support from medical professionals, offering the advice and motivation you need for a successful transition away from smoking.
  • Home Delivery Privacy: Your quit-smoking medications are shipped straight to your residence, ensuring a private and hassle-free way to access your necessary aids, eliminating the need to physically go to a pharmacy.
  • Holistic Wellness Focus: We focus on the bigger picture of your health. By enabling you to regularly update your health specifics and objectives, we ensure your quitting plan remains aligned with your evolving wellness journey.

With StopRX, you’re not just purchasing a prescription; you’re taking a significant step towards a new lifestyle, backed by a team of professionals committed to your success. Embrace this opportunity to transform your life, knowing that we are with you every step of the way, ensuring access to the tools you need for success in your quest for a smoke-free future. If you have any questions regarding the prescription purchase or nicotine vapourised products don’t hesitate to contact us for fast and professional support!

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